Wednesday, November 19, 2008


boomshakalaka (interj.) : an expression indicating excitement at the completion of an exhausting, burdensome task.

I can't seem to close my belt buckle all the way....BOOMSHAKALAKA! I GOT IT!!!

Note: this phrase gained worldwide attention in the groundbreaking one-hit-wonder "Whomp (There it Is)" by everyone's favorite group Tag Team. You sports fans out there might recognize it from the video game "NBA Jam" (OH MY, HE'S ON FIRE!), or from the background music on Jumbo Trons everywhere.

By this point, it's become clear that this blog serves many functions. Today, the function of this blog is to alert the world that the expression "boomshakalaka" is BACK! Use it in a sentence before you go to sleep tonight. And tomorrow night. But not the one after, because overuse turns a good thing into crap. That's what she said.


  1. Excuse me, are you forgetting the infamous song, "Boom Shack-a-lak" by Apache Indian, which was prominently featured in the best movie of all time, Dumb and Dumber?

  2. nope, not forgetting it. just recognizing that it's not how it gained worldwide fame. BOOMSHAKALAKA
